Is something holding you back from
living the life you truly desire?
Perhaps it’s a lingering feeling of self-doubt, or maybe it’s a sense of disconnection from your body and the pleasures of life.
You know your goals and desires, but something inside resists, leaving you feeling stuck or overwhelmed.
In this 2-hour live online workshop, you’ll be gently guided through body-based practices designed to release these inner blocks and connect you with the empowered, thriving version of yourself.

What You’ll Gain:
Release Inner Resistance:
Uncover the hidden parts of yourself that may be resisting joy, pleasure, or growth. You’ll learn to gently heal and embrace these parts, inviting transformation from within.
Transform Pain into Power:
Using somatic practices inspired by modern trauma-informed methodologies, you'll be guided to navigate the delicate balance between your wounds and your strengths—without reactivating past pain. You’ll learn how to pendulate between these states, gently moving from contraction to ease.
Reconnect with Pleasure:
Discover how the experience of healing can also be joyful. You’ll tap into your body’s wisdom, reclaim your aliveness, and unlock the full potential of your pleasure as a gateway to thriving.
Imagine a Life of Deep Fulfillment…
There’s a part of you longing to live a life that feels aligned, whole, and deeply satisfying.
Maybe it’s a more fulfilling relationship, a deeper connection to your sexuality, self-love, or simply more joy and vitality in your day-to-day life.
But then there’s another part of you — a quieter part, perhaps — that whispers,
“No, you’re not ready yet... You’ll fail... It’s too dangerous to open up like that...”
or maybe you just can't get yourself into doing what you committed yourself to.
This part has likely kept you safe for years, avoiding pain or rejection, but it’s also been holding you back from fully living.
In Heal & Thrive, you’ll get the chance to empower the part of you that longs and is ready to expand and heal the part of you that hesitates.
By learning to embrace both, you will move forward with a new sense of vitality, confidence, and joy.

Who Heal & Thrive is for:
This workshop is for all genders and anyone, regardless of experience, who wants to unlock deeper levels of joy, sensuality, and empowerment through the body.
Whether you’re familiar with body-based practices or this is your first exploration, you'll find a supportive space to explore at your own pace.
If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your pleasure, from your body, or from your true desires, this workshop will guide you back home to yourself.
What You’ll Experience:
There’s a part of you longing to live a life that feels aligned, whole, and deeply satisfying.
Maybe it’s a more fulfilling relationship, a deeper connection to your sexuality, self-love, or simply more joy and vitality in your day-to-day life.
But then there’s another part of you — a quieter part, perhaps — that whispers,
“No, you’re not ready yet... You’ll fail... It’s too dangerous to open up like that...”
or maybe you just can't get yourself into doing what you committed yourself to.
This part has likely kept you safe for years, avoiding pain or rejection, but it’s also been holding you back from fully living.
In Heal and Thrive, you’ll get the chance to empower the part of you that longs and is ready to expand and heal the part of you that hesitates.
By learning to embrace both, you will move forward with a new sense of vitality, confidence, and joy.
Meet Your Facilitator:
Hi, I am Sophia Leslie
I’m a Sacred Sexuality coach and therapist, and I’ve been working with Tantra since 2016.
My passion lies in bringing together spirituality and sexuality, creating a safe, nurturing space for people to heal and open up to deeper exploration.
In my work, I support people in returning to their natural state of wholeness — unlocking pleasure, love, and deep intimacy that can lead to profound states of consciousness and bliss.
Having immersed myself in Classical Tantra, Neo-Tantra, and other non-dual paths, I’ve lived, practiced, and learned in sacred places like Thailand, India, and Mexico.
My own spiritual path began early, but the journey really began after the profound changes that Tantric yoga and sexuality brought to my life, helping me heal and feel comfortable with all parts of myself, and even seeing more meaning in life.
I’m certified as a Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, Tantra Yoga & Meditation teacher, and Tantra facilitator. Currently, I’m deepening my work by studying Somatic Experiencing. My approach is all about creating a safe, nurturing space for healing, where spirituality and sexuality meet to empower your fullest self.